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David Lance Goines Fine Arts Posters

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The Writings of David Lance Goines

Article titles from E to G

Click on any of the articles below to read them or choose another alphabetical grouping by clicking on the 'Writings' button above to return to the page of listings. Each article can navigate to those that precede or follow it.

Earthquake Weather A SILENCE. A stillness of the air. Deep in the Earth...
Economy Car Kevin Jackson was a nerd before there was a word for it...
Ego A FIRSTBORN CHILD will likely have for his whole life long...
Epinicion Victory is only for the moment. Almost immediately...
Epiphany EPIPHANY IS A PEARL, encompassing layer upon layer ...
Eternal Reward There was once a man who, like all men, lived out his life and died...
Event That Was Not on TV SATURDAY IN THE LATE MORNING I stood at the letterpress...
Everything Old is New Again BEATNIKS ARE BACK. They may look a little like hippies...
Exploratorium IN THE EXPLORATORIUM there is vertical pane of glass...
Express Interview DAVID LANCE GOINES is a significant figure of our time...
Failure My feet are the reminder that we were not always as we are now.
Fever Dreams LAST NIGHT I did not sleep well...
Fire Next Time, The It's all our fault. We did it, we are responsible.
Fireworks Not only do we here in Berkeley decline to observe the Glorious Fourth...
First Contact HOMELY BUT WELL-DEVELOPED, Geraldine was one of those girls...
First Love IF, FOR SOME REASON, I stop during a long run...
Five Minute Romance I STARTED SMOKING when I was twelve-years old.
Flotsam QUINQUIRIME OF NINEVAH from distant Ophir,...
Fool's Gold   "AFTER SPRING RAINS, a rill ran..."

Four Horsies of the
Apocalypse, The

" War and the merciless Conqueror, harsh Judgement..."
Fraternity THE WEIGHT ROOM is the social equivalent of the neighborhood bar.
Friendship Friendship softens sorrow, and paves memory with joy.
Funeral Feast, The Don’t try to cheer me up, Just sit and drink with me.
Gentle Jesus Jesus, the dying and resurrected Son of God and Man, the promised Messiah...
Get Lucky? BASEBALL'S TERMINOLOGY contains a subliminal theme of teenage sex...
God of No God, The "Atheism is an active, knowing rejection of most, if not all, of the tenets of religion..."
Golden Anniversary FIFTY YEARS AGO today, my mother and father traded vows...
Good Old Days WHATEVER HAPPENED to the white dogshit you used to see...
Gooseberry Moon AT dinner last night, we were served for dessert...
Gourmet Treat I'VE DISLIKED staying in bed and breakfast inns ever since...
Growing Up MY MOTHER TOLD ME that she had no trouble at all being seventy-one years old...

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